Love Letters to Natalie
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Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Photo Updates

Dearest Natalie,

The second week of the year is another wet week. It rained nonstop for almost 1 whole week and got everyone confined to home. I'm so happy that the sun is back this week and we could have some outdoor fun together.

The following photos are taken last week and recorded what we managed to do despite the heavy rain and never-ending showers we had last week.

1) Hari Raya (Tues)

We managed to sneak out of the house when the rain stopped for a while. We went to the nearby Bt Timah Hill to look at monkeys and get some fresh air. It started to rain shortly after so it was a very short but refreshing time outdoor for us.

Extremely delighted to be out

One with Mommy

Another one with Daddy

2) Gathering @ Holland Village - Friday

On Friday, we met up with mommy's friends at Holland Village for lunch. Auntie Christina is going back to the States with baby Karu so we met them to say goodbye. Auntie Lily and Le Le were there too.

After lunch, we went to take a look at the school Le Le attends because mommy is thinking of sending you to a playgroup when you are slightly older. Before the visit, I've quite decided that you'll go to the same school as Le Le and after the visit, I think that's the school for you. The reason is simple. You seem to like the place and enjoy the toys there and I know teacher Lavina is a very dedicated teacher.

Auntie Christina, Mommy and you, Auntie Lily and Lele

Having fun with Le Le at Lavina's sch. Le Le was busy showing you around, giving you a first hand orientation

Having fun by yourself

At night, we went out with Daddy to have some desserts after dinner. Since we were all missing Hong Kong, we went to the famous mango dessert shop at Orchard Rd which is a franchise of the famous mango shop in Hong Kong. Daddy gave in to your request and gave you a sip of his drink, you loved it and asked for more, more and more.

Daddy, I want more!

3) Saturday

On Saturday, we went to Paragon for some shopping while waiting for your Daddy to finish his work at a client's place.

Having good fun at the slot-coin car. You enjoyed all the rides!

Resting your head on Mandy Jie Jie's lap after a long day.

That's all for the update. Goodnite, darling girl!


natnat's mom at 12:56 AM 0 comments

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