Love Letters to Natalie
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Sunday, November 13, 2005

Storyteller Showcase

Dearest Nat BaoBei,

Today marks the first time I am away from you to enjoy some time by myself. We go everywhere together since the day you were born. I've tried leaving you at home with por por while I go for a quick grocery shopping with Daddy once in a while. This is the first time I left you at home to do something I like, for pleasure. :-)

Thanks to Aunt Lily, I bought a S$3 ticket to the Storytellers showcase at DBS Arts Center. Your Daddy drove me to the venue with por por and you in tow. I nursed you to sleep in the car and passed you over to por por when we reached the venue. According to your Daddy and por por, you slept all the way home too and only woke up when the car turned into carpark at home.

Throughout the 2 and 1/2 hours away from you, I was worried that you might kick up a fuss and no one at home could handle you. Luckily you were very well behaved and greeted me with a eager face when I reached home. This probably means that I could leave you at home once in a while with your daddy or por por.

I enjoyed the night very much. The stories were all interesting and the delivery was superb. I was so absorbed into the stories that I didn't feel a dull moment. I couldn't decide who is my favourite storyteller coz all of them are so good. I will bring you to watch when you are a little older, I'm sure you're going to have a great time like me.

It feels kinda strange going to somewhere without you. First of all, my bagf is lighter because I don't have to bring extra diapers, clothes, toys etc for you. Secondly, I don't have to wear a sling and I feel a few kgs lighter because my hands are free. I think this kind of break is healthy for me once in a while because I came back home recharged and happy.

Before I forget, I want to thank your daddy for sending me there and picking me up. Without the "transport", I won't be able to get home so soon to see my chubby princess!

Mommy with my group of "mommy friends" from LJ and one of the storytellers, Hiroko Fujita

natnat's mom at 1:08 AM 0 comments

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