Love Letters to Natalie
Thursday, February 17, 2005
Daddy's girl
Nat is such a daddy's girl. Only her Daddy can pacify her when she's crying for milk and sleep. For me, I've to offer her my breasts before she'll be quiet and happy. Gary can pacify her just by carrying her in an upright position and walking around the house, she'll gradually fall asleep in that position. Poor Daddy always end up soaked in sweat. Of course when she's really hungry, that doesn't work. What Nat cannot stand is a hungry stomach, she'll cry until her face turns tomato red to make sure her stomach is filled.
I try to use the sling on her more often now so that I have free hands to do my things. Been practising the different positions using sling. She enjoys the sling, so slinging her is not too difficult. It is better than leaving her on the bed to play by herself coz she'll only stay quiet for 10 mins the most. In a sling, she can sleep for 1 - 2 hours or stay awake for 30 mins without crying.
Last night was a good night. She fell asleep at 12 am after her last feed and slept through the night until 6 am. She woke her daddy up by her hungry cries and fell promptly asleep after nursing for less than 30 mins. Nat n me slept through n woke up at 10 today. What a luxury! The weather is unbearably warm now so we turned the aircon on lastnite, maybe that contributed to our good sleep too.
She now smiles when I tickle her double chin. Her neck is disappearing, replaced by her double chin. I'm so happy to see a well rested and well fed Nat.
natnat's mom at 2:11 PM